Its was two days before the independence day that discussion started about a ride since the independence was on a monday and we were getting a three day holiday big plans were started to be made we were thinking about a ride to yelagiri but our friends from the so called happening club are already on there way there and after declining the offer to ride with them , it wouldn be nice if we went with them, so next bright idea a two day trip to pondy and i said whoa there!! i aint going to pondy the trip was going to be a booze trip and i aint gonna drink , the discussion were primarily between Rajaram , Vasanth and Me with occasional inputs from Kannan sir and Venkat but it was already close to 15th and everybody was running low and cash so trip was reduced to a day trip and now we were thinking about new places i said nagalapuram suppose to be a falls there but Kannan sir said no to Andhra (bad roads, bad foods) , hence that plan was kicked out and then i asked "how about sholingar a reversed forest near it" that was also not gonna work out , i suggested that there is a fort near Mahabalipuram but at that point did not remember the name and asked rajaram to check it out in net and nextday he sent me a link to another fort called alamparai while i was talking about sardas but as both were close by we decided to go to both a day before the trip i got my Jawa to the mech to get the clutch plates changed and rajaram and solomon dilligently got to work on my bike and i helped to get the plates to fit by filling the conners and that was done , It was sunday morning it was not hot but not cold either i woke by 5 and started from home at 5.30 and when i went there vasanth and kannan sir and aquin were there
and we were joined by rajaram after some waiting
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